CDPedia & Pocketpedia: Track title search

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CDPedia & Pocketpedia: Track title search

Post by aht222 »

I would like to see a search option for track titles in both CDPedia and Pocketpedia. (for example, I may wish to search my collection for all of the CDs/artists that recorded the tune, "Autumn Leaves." Then I would be able to listen to and compare the different versions.)
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Re: CDPedia & Pocketpedia: Track title search

Post by Conor »

Thanks for the feedback. In Pocketpedia there is no search yet, but in CDpedia click on the magnifying glass inside the search field to change the scope of the search to the tracks.
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Re: CDPedia & Pocketpedia: Track title search

Post by moncef »

hi. search is now implemented in pocketpedia for the iPhone. However, it only searches within CD titles, not within the tracks inside each CD. I use pocketpedia during my DJ gigs, and without the ability to search for a specific title (so I know which CD contains it), the search feature is useless to me. Are you planning on implementing track searches?

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Re: CDPedia & Pocketpedia: Track title search

Post by Conor »

We are looking at making that kind of search an option, but the iPhone is not that fast and it might not be possible to add all that search functionality. Thank you for letting us know that you would find track search useful in Pocketpedia.
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