Copying DVDpedia to my Mac Mini

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Copying DVDpedia to my Mac Mini

Post by thinkingman »

I own DVDpedia and run it on my iMac, it currently has about 2,000 DVD's cataloged. Recently, I purchased a Mac Mini for my TV and I would like to be able to access my movie list and all of the details on it.

First, do I need to purchase another copy of DVDpedia? If so, is there a fairly straight forward method to copy the appropriate directories from my iMac and put them on my Mini? The iMac library doesn't get updated that often, so I have no problem copying and moving files on a monthly basis.

I am sure there is some kind of networking solution to this, but my Wifi isnt that fast and two machines are sitting on the opposite sides of the house, and my Mac networking skills are fairly low.

Appreciate the help.

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Re: Copying DVDpedia to my Mac Mini

Post by Nora »

You don't need to purchase another copy of DVDpedia. Just use the serial number you already have to register the program on your new computer.

Then to get your database over to the new computer, create a copy of the DVDpedia folder found in your Home folder under ~/Library/Application Support/DVDpedia and move it to your new computer into the exact same location. (Please note that there are two Application Support folders on your computer, one in the Home folder and one on your HD. You want the one in your Home folder.) Make sure that neither copy of DVDpedia is running while you do this.

When you run DVDpedia on your new computer now you should see your database as before.

As for updating the database on a regular basis - the easiest way to do that in your case would be to do a .dvdpedia export whenever you want and import that .dvdpedia file into DVDpedia on your MacMini (double-clicking the file will automatically import it). You'll find the .dvdpedia export option under the File menu > Export.
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Re: Copying DVDpedia to my Mac Mini

Post by sjk »

What about copying Preferences on a new system (or copying them from an old one), e.g. to retain custom field titles?
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Re: Copying DVDpedia to my Mac Mini

Post by Nora »

Sure, that's a good idea too. The plist file is located in your Home folder under ~/Library/Preferences/com.bruji.dvdpedia.plist
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Re: Copying DVDpedia to my Mac Mini

Post by thinkingman »

Thank you, I will try tonight. I looked back and realized that I purchased DVDpedia and Bookpedia nearly 4 years ago for a bit over $30. To get this kind of support 4 years later for such a small purchase only reinforces my belief that Bruji is a company of the highest quality. Additionally, I will work harder to tell my friends who are in need to look to Bruji first.

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Re: Copying DVDpedia to my Mac Mini

Post by Conor »

Bruji is a company of the highest quality. I will work harder to tell my friends who are in need to look to Bruji first
Thank you for the compliment, and we truly appreciate your support as well.
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