Version 4.0 is out

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Post by Jexter »

It was a very nice surprise to find this 4.0 upgrade... and for free!
Great job guys, I only had a few minutes to look at it so far but it looks superb.

Oh, and the italian translation too... amazing stuff (and grats to the translator).
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Post by druid »

One thing I miss: the new version of Bookpedia doesn't "remember" the fields I want to edit after the first panel. In the previous version, it always went straight to "Location" but now it's stuck in the first field and I have to manually click there. A small matter, but not when I'm entering 100 new books.

Otherwise, a fine upgrade and extremely fast!
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Post by Lodovico »

Many thanks for all the improvements in DVDpedia, particularly the addition of folders in the Collections pane. I'm also noticing a big speed increase when editing existing entries. :D
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Entering Credits manually in DVDpedia 4.04

Post by PGW »

Oh, why oh why oh WHY did you need to make things MORE difficult with the new version?

In the old versions, I could simply enter a list of the film's stars by typing their names, separated by a comma (or whatever else I wanted). Now, however, I have to click on a separate "credits" window, where I CAN'T simply type in a list, but have to "add" a text box for each actor I want to list. Worse, I can't even enter this information anymore in the main window - clicking on the "starring" column just brings me to this very same window.

Why would you change something that was very quick and easy to something that takes a lot more work just to get the same data in the database? I need to enter a lot of material manually - this slows me down a lot, and that's very frustrating in what otherwise is a great program.
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Post by PGW »

My apologies if this is posted in the wrong area. I looked around and this seemed to be the most appropriate place.
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Post by Conor »

These two posts have more information on how to import your Starring info from version 3.6 into the new version and use a custom field.
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Post by danco »

Here's a trick that speeds it up a touch, though not a huge amount.

Begin with using the + button a number of times, as many as you need for the number of entries. That gives you a number of completely blank entries.

Then go to the first entry, double-click to select, type in the name and press Tab. That goes to the Role entry for the person and pressing Tab again goes to the next item.

The great advantage of the new approach is that you can add people in whatever their roles are. Photographer, composer of music, musicians, etc. I reckon this is enough worthwile as to compensate for the slightly harder entry of actors.
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Post by mrklaw »

thanks for the new version. I noticed the new 'location' field. Does this mean you now support importing of location information from dvd profiler?

I'd avoided entering that manually so far, so if you can import that I'll just reimport then add the new discs manually.

BTW, don't suppose you import/handle the full location/slot of DVD profiler? I use both fields to point to the location of my discs.

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Post by Nora »

With the latest version of DVDpedia (4.0.8) and using DVD Profiler 2.5 or above, you can import the 'Location' and 'Slot' information into DVDpedia. The information will be placed into the Location field as 'Location: Slot'.
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Post by chander »


The new bookpedia 4.1 update is out and let me say that the possibility to move fields in the edit/add window is GREAT ! And especially for me who is using bookpedia for my comics and needs a highly customizable managing software !

Thanks again for updating regularly with new great functionality !

Just for info : are you planning to integrate the great coverview feature of leopard directly in boookpedia ?
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Post by Conor »

Glad the new features are helpful. Being able to not only change the location but the tab a field appears in was something we worked hard on as some fields that were in extras tab were important to be able to move them to main if they were of meaning to the user.

Integrated Cover Flow is something that is easier to do if our program were Leopard only, Apple even includes a sample program. However as we will be supporting Tiger for a while it might be some time in coming. But do take a look at our Quick Look video you can use Bookpedia with Cover Flow, Spotlight as well as Quick Look if you are just browsing information and not editing you don't even need to open the program. Create a smart folder that searches for PediaItem and that is set to display in Cover Flow.
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Post by vittoriog »

Fantastic job!!!
My compliments to the team, and very nice result got it!

I am waiting the new possibilities with iPod Touch, maybe to have bookpedia ready to use when I am choosing a new book!!!!! ;)

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Post by marksealey »

Great new updates - much faster.


How could the pedias get better?!!!
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Post by vittoriog »

Very nice update Conor!!! :D

My compliments to you and to all the Bruji Band!!

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Re: Version 4.0 is out

Post by August »

Generally I'm quite pleased with the updates, but trimming the white space around the cover art can be annoying in Bookpedia... I have several books that have a white border that is actually a part of the cover art, and have now been trimmed.

While I agree that it's an excellent feature most of the time, I would appreciate being able to turn it off in the preferences for when I'm adding a book that includes white space on the cover as design element.
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