Collection name for info view

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Collection name for info view

Post by carmenm »


is there a key to get the collection name in an info view template?
If not that would be a great addition because i could add special links for movies in my wish list to see in which movie theater i can see them.
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Post by Conor »

You can see what collections a movie is in by adding the following key to any info template:

Code: Select all

Depending on the style the surrounding HTML code differs a bit, but you can create a copy of any field line from the same info template and modify it. You can also remove the <!--IF ... ENDIF--> tags as a movie will always have at least one collection, so the if is always yes. To create your own version of the template look in the forum or the help file on how to copy an info template. To summarize copy the template from inside the program to ~/Library/Application Support/DVDpedia/InfoTemplates and change the name of the template file. Also the images folder from to ~/Library/Application Support/DVDpedia/InfoTemplates/Images and you will have to create the folder [/b]InfoTemplates if you have never installed an info template from our extras page.

For the default collection.html the line you would add to the template would look like this:

Code: Select all

<div class="field"><div class="title">In Collections:</div><div class="text"> [key:collectionNames]</div></div>
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