I've just received the modified CueCat that I ordered from eBay, and am pleased to see how well it interfaces with Bookpedia. However, I have a *lot* of books to scan, and was hoping that Bookpedia would provide some kind of audible feedback after receiving the numbers from the CueCat.
I've seen mention of this "beep" function elsewhere on this forum, but don't know how to enable it. Please help.
The beep has been mentioned before, that's right. It's part of the program for the iSight scan already and we'll try and make it work with regular scanners too. The problem is that the program has trouble deciding whether the input comes from a person or a scanner because the input in both cases looks like it came from a keyboard (unless you have an un-modified CueCat in which case the program will know since it has to translate the input first). We'll get on it in any case and see what we can do about adding some beeps.