Playing ISO and VIDEO_TS

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Playing ISO and VIDEO_TS

Post by jazzybeat »

I just upgraded to the new 4.1.2 version. The first thing that I found was that icons got inverse. ISO file shows up as quicktime icon and VIDEO_TS shows up as a link icon.

I have few questions to DVDPedia developers.

Why do we need different icons?
If we link file than it should show that its linked. I don't care that is quicktime or VIDEO_TS or iso or dmg. As long as we can see linkage to the file that should be just fine. Having different icons is kind of confusing and it does same thing that we want "Play" movie.

Why do we need 2 buttons "Play" and "Link" in Toolbar menu?
I think one button Play can do everything. Just click and play iso, dmg, VIDEO_TS or avi or quiktime files. Now I have to look at the icons in the list and decide to which icon it relates to make my movie play.
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Post by Conor »

Both VIDEO_TS and ISO files should display the QuickTime link, other types of links would display as the paperclip. There are two icons so that users can distinguish between the DVDs that have movies linked and those that have images, HTML webpages, text files or other non-movie links. In your case because you use DVDpedia with just movie links you have no need for the links button: ctrl-click on the toolbar to customize it and remove the links button and just leave the play button. However is sounds as maybe some of your VIDEO_TS links are not being recognized as movie links. If you can link a VIDEO_TS folder to one off your movies and it does not display the QuickTime icon, then please send us the movie information so we can look at it. To do that, drag the movie entry from the table view to the desktop to create a file with all the movie information that you can email us. (You'll find our email address on the support page.)
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Post by jazzybeat »

Bruji Support wrote:

Thanks for all the feedback.

The reason the program needs the actual VIDEO_TS folder linked is because
otherwise it doesn't know how to distinguish between a link that's just a
regular folder (since you can link anything to an entry) and an actual
movie. So to avoid confusion, you have to link the VIDEO_TS folder directly.

The functionality for ISO and VIDEO_TS links in the full screen view is the
same - both links should give you the play button. If this is not the case,
check that the links are set correctly all the way to the VIDEO_TS folder or
send me a dcard of the entry in question so we can take a look at what's
going on.

Jazzybeat wrote:

Ok, well since DVDPedia can't check and suggest to add"VIDEO_TS" which mostly time I would not mind, than I will have to do this manually. So I tried to add "VIDEO_TS" manually in the link by typing and it does not change the icon on the List page. If I drag and drop my movie "VIDEO_TS" folder than it will change. Same path but for some reason when you do this by typing it just does not work.
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Post by Conor »

DVDpedia wasn't taking into account a change to a VIDEO_TS when the link is edited by hand, thank you for letting me know. You can download DVDpedia and it will be fixed.
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