I made a few more tests to try to understand why some people like Conor can run the DVDpedia Front Row plugin on Lion while I never can :
- clean Lion install in English instead of French : no dice
- clean Lion 10.7.0 install instead of 10.7.4 : no dice
- DVDpedia 5.1.1 full reinstall with DVDpedia Front Row 5 plugin : no dice
- boot the same Lion Firewire disk from a MacBook Pro instead of the Mac Mini : no dice
- install Lion, Front Row, DVDpedia and DVDpedia Front Row plugin on the Mac Mini internal disk, instead on an external Firewire disk partition : no dice
- install javaformacosx10.7 on top of Lion 10.7.4 : no dice
In all cases, DVDpedia and Front Row work fine by themselves, but the DVDpedia menu fails to show in Front Row home page and I get (in various order) the same 3 error messages in the Console log :
Code: Select all
14/08/12 15:11:05,377 FrontRow: ******** Application Startup ********
14/08/12 15:11:06,336 com.apple.RemoteUI: dyldNameStartingAtAddress:vm_read header (os/kern) invalid address
14/08/12 15:11:06,337 com.apple.RemoteUI: vmutils: can't find image for dynamic loader used by /System/Library/CoreServices/Front Row.app/Contents/MacOS/Front Row [279]!
14/08/12 15:11:06,337 FrontRow: Failed to allow loading of appliance /System/Library/CoreServices/Front Row.app/Contents/PlugIns/DVDpedia.frappliance
The com.apple.RemoteUI errors in the log seem to be definitely related to the DVDpedia plugin loading issue, since no such error occurs in the log BEFORE I install the DVDpedia.frappliance; furthermore, there is a somewhat related message in the DVDpedia Front Row Installer Installation Log :
Code: Select all
22/08/12 12:21:55,641 installd: PackageKit: ----- Begin install -----
22/08/12 12:22:08,714 xpchelper: could not open dyld map file: (null)
22/08/12 12:22:08,953 installd: Installed "DVDpedia Front Row" ()
22/08/12 12:22:08,961 installd: PackageKit: ----- End install -----
At this stage, the only explanation I can imagine is that those who succeeded in running the DVDpedia Front Row plugin used different installation procedures (?) or different binaries (??) or different versions of Lion (???).
It would be great if somebody who has the plugin running could give me the step-by-step installation procedure he actually used...
Having exhausted all my ideas at that point, I will now forget Lion and (regretfully) stay on Snow Leopard.
Hopefully, somebody will resurrect Front Row on Mountain Lion, and the DVDpedia plugin at the same time...