Running Get Advanced Info for Selection > IMDb with entries originally added to DVDpedia via will occasionally have the wrong IMDb ID number and data. Sometimes I'll manually add the ID to the IMDb field under the Extra tab of the Edit Movie window (after running Edit > Edit Extra Info… (Shift-Command-E)) to ensure that won't happen. That's an alternative to this suggestion:
Nora wrote:Use the little gear button in the Edit window instead of the 'Get Advanced info' batch option. That way, if there is more than one result returned from IMDb (as is sometimes the case with sequels or very common titles), you can choose the correct one from the little drawer in the edit window.
… because sometimes it's hard to choose which item is correct from those search results.
I'd really like to combine the process of adding info from multiple sources, e.g. Amazon and IMDb, even if it would mean having to manual fix entries with incorrect IMDb info.
I upgraded to DVDPedia 4.5.3 today and the 'MoviePoster' code you wrote no longer has the 'make poster cover art' in the context menu. However, I found I can drag and drop it.
Also, you had mentioned several months ago that you were in touch with the people about adjusting their API to make it easier for you to use. Is there any progress on that?
I have added the contextual menu option back in the beta version, thank you for pointing that out.
From I have yet to have a final answer but the last I heard was encouraging:
As I told you, I communicate it to our webmasters, and by now one of them likes the idea. The problem is that he is not the one that designs the web so we still have to know if he wants to do it, as he is the one that would work on it. But by now, it's an idea is interested in.
You can follow the conversation on their forum and add your vote for the feature.
Conor wrote:MoviePosterDB is a great web page and a good resource. The problem at the moment is that their API only delivers posters at a 300 pixel resolution (larger resolutions are bought and help pay for hosting costs). However more importantly it only delivers the first poster for the movie which tends to be the same poster that IMDb carries.
The third solution is most interesting and many similar ideas have been used in the info view template by users as they can be customized for each users needs. For example Leo's has a button that opens up the movie trailer at and one that searches for the cover in Google. To implement somehting similar you would modify your favorite info view template to include the link:
This will lead to the movie poster page where you can drag and drop to set the cover. You could even have links open the page directly inside DVDpedia and by ctrll clicking an image to display the contextual menu you will have the option to set that image as the current image for the selected movie. Thanks to Noribori you could set the above link directly to the image using the API information link, but that would mean you would only have access to the first image as mentioned above which would be the same as the modfied IMDb plug-in.
I have implemented this in my Info View template and you do not have to download the low res image. When you click the link in Info View it opens the movieposterdb page and you have the various posters to choose from. Choose any you like and, if you have paid the small fee and you are logged in to the site (I am permanently logged in by choosing the 'remember me' setting) you can then click the DOWNLOAD button on the movieposterdb page and the high res image will download directly into DVDpedia. When it's done, right click on the image and you can choose the option to save the image as cover art. Brilliant!