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CoverFlow ....

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 1:57 pm
by gjdkeu
How is it going with the implemention of coverflow in DVD and Book Pedia ?

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:58 am
by Conor
We haven't started on that yet.

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:08 pm
by exponent
Hi conor,

Hope you dont think that this is too forward of me to suggest this, but...

In 10.5 Apple have made the cover flow API publicly accesible, they just didnt document it... Its called IKImageFlowView and its in ImageKit

This topic may help ... 1/6/192424

(Im assuming that DVDPedia is built with Cocoa)
And i'd like to add +1 to this feature request :D

All the best

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:28 pm
by Conor
Thank you for the tip, we are aware of IKImageFlowView but we wouldn't want to take advantage of an undocumented API as it could change. Also Apple provides an example of implementing cover flow in Leopard via Core Animation; the hard part comes in integrating the Leopard technologies while keeping the application compatible with Tiger.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:33 pm
by exponent
Conor wrote:Thank you for the tip, we are aware of IKImageFlowView but we wouldn't want to take advantage of an undocumented API as it could change.
Seems like a sensible approach
Also Apple provides an example of implementing cover flow in Leopard via Core Animation; the hard part comes in integrating the Leopard technologies while keeping the application compatible with Tiger.
LOL, as a Carbon/C++ dev i can understand the pain of this one... Its sooo tempting to use the 10.5 extensions and just go "ah tiger users will have to upgrade!"


Ps - Dont suppose you could link me to the SDK docs for the cover flow description could you? I'd b interested to read that one :)

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:38 pm
by Wheelie4
Conor wrote:the hard part comes in integrating the Leopard technologies while keeping the application compatible with Tiger.
Would that also apply to QuickLook in Pedia also?

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:44 pm
by Conor
Dont suppose you could like me to the SDK docs for the cover flow description could you? I'd b interested to read that one
It's actually an example implementation of cover flow, it's called covertflow and if you have the Leopard developer tools installed it's located at: /Developer/Examples/Quartz/Core Animation/CovertFlow, they even implemented the slower animation when the shift key is held down, as this things are easy to do with Core Animation.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:13 pm
by Conor
Would that also apply to QuickLook in Pedia also?
The Pedias have Quick Look integrated. The great thing about Quick Look is that it's a feature outside of the programs run by Mac OS X and the Pedias ship with a plug-in for Quick Look and Leopard finds the plug-in and uses it, while for the Tiger users it's just a useless file that does not interfere.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:32 pm
by Wheelie4
Conor wrote:
Would that also apply to QuickLook in Pedia also?
The Pedias have Quick Look integrated. The great thing about Quick Look is that it's a feature outside of the programs run by Mac OS X and the Pedias ship with a plug-in for Quick Look and Leopard finds the plug-in and uses it, while for the Tiger users it's just a useless file that does not interfere.
Hehe, I guess I'm lost then. I'm on a new MBP with OS X 10.5.2 (replaced my 6 month old MB) with DVDPedia 4.1.2 installed just last week. Imported my "User/~/Library/Application Support/DVDPedia/" contents from my OS X 10.5.1 MB manually. If I look in "User/~/Library/Application Support/DVDPedia/Plug-ins" the folder is empty and in the "Macintosh HD/Library/Quicklook" folder theres no plug-in for DVDPedia. I'm the apps contents folder I didn't see a plug-in in the plug-ins folder pertaining to QuickLook. If I create a new "Smart Folder" searchig for "PediaItem" It only finds 3 results. Is QuickLook suppose to work within DVDPedia?

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:45 pm
by Conor
Because you moved to a new computer and did not bring your Spotlight files along (that Quick Look relies on) you will have recreate them. In DVDpedia under the help menu turn Spotlight off and on again to recreate all the files. The plug-in for Quick Look is inside the package under Contents/Library/QuickLook this is where OS X looks for it without having to install it.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:57 pm
by Wheelie4
Conor wrote:Because you moved to a new computer and did not bring your Spotlight files along (that Quick Look relies on) you will have recreate them. In DVDpedia under the help menu turn Spotlight off and on again to recreate all the files. The plug-in for Quick Look is inside the package under Contents/Library/QuickLook this is where OS X looks for it without having to install it.
Ahhhh, gotcha. To be clear, quicklook doesn't work within dvdpeadia itself, just in a smart folder?

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 3:40 am
by Conor
Quick Look is a way to access files quickly and take a peak at their content. DVDpedia keeps one single database file with all the information, in order to index your information for Spotlight DVDpedia creates single files for each DVD in ~/Library/Caches/Metadata/DVDpedia it's the same trick iCal, Safari, and other programs use. So with Quick Look you can view these files without opening DVDpedia. The smart folder is an easy way to group the files, but you could also navigate to the above folder.

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:37 am
by Wheelie4
Thanks for the info, much appreciated. :)

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 8:04 pm
by James23
Its sooo tempting to use the 10.5 extensions and just go "ah tiger users will have to upgrade!"