Delete movie and still are in Filmoteca

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Delete movie and still are in Filmoteca

Post by judocama »

It is normal that when I delete a movie in my collection is still not clear is maintained in the Filmoteca? It is clear that although I have even filmoteca and also whether it was part of a smart collection is still there.
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Re: Delete movie and still are in Filmoteca

Post by Nora »

When you delete a movie from a collection, this does not delete the movie from your Library. To delete a movie from a collection AND the library at the same time, you have to press Option-Delete instead of just delete. Or find the movie directly in the Library and delete it from there.

You cannot delete entries from a smart collection since the program assembles these automatically. You would have to either delete the entry from the Library or change the criteria of the smart collection to exclude the movie from it.
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Re: Delete movie and still are in Filmoteca

Post by sjk »

Tip: Use Show in Collection under the context menu of a selected item in a smart collection to select the item in a non-smart collection where it can be deleted.
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