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Import more fields from XBMC

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 9:46 pm
by Durkslag
First I want to say thank you for this great app, loving it! :D

I wonder if it's possible to add more fields when importing from XBMC (.nfo)?
When I import a movie from XBMC today I get duration, title, genre, etc. But is it possible to get more fields like audio, codec, subtitle and aspect ratio for example?

It's probably very easy and maybe I can edit it myself but haven't found which file.

Code: Select all

Now it imports
<title>3:10 to Yuma</title>

Maybe it will work just adding the fields like this:


Re: Import more fields from XBMC

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 3:51 am
by Conor
Thank you for the feedback. Glad you are enjoying the program. Could you please send me a sample .nfo file so that I can add the additional fields that are missing and test the import.

Re: Import more fields from XBMC

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:11 pm
by Durkslag
Here's a zip file containing 6 nfo's with different details:

And one nfo of the Movie "UP" for online viewing:

I think most of the new fields are at the bottom where is says <fileinfo> -> <streaminfo>
For example, audio, language, aspect ratio, subtitles etc

If it's possible, the audio names are named different in the nfo's
dca 6 channels = DTS 5.1
dca 2 channels = DTS 2.0
dca 7 channels = DTS-ES 6.1
ac3 2 channels = Dolby Digital 2.0
ac3 6 channels = Dolby Digital 5.1

Thanks again :)
/ Erik

Re: Import more fields from XBMC

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 4:10 am
by Conor
Thank you for the different files with the different formats. I was not importing the file info part of the .nfo file. I have now updated the importer and it will include languages, subtitles, audio (translated as you pointed out), aspect ratio and codec. For the codec, since it does not map to one of the DVDpedia fields, it's only imported if you name a custom fields "Codec".

I also added some minor fixes, such as picking up the duration from the file info part if not already present in the regular information. Not adding the "original title" if the same as the title and picking up the rated information from certification if no MPAA field is available.

You can get all these change on DVDpedia beta 31.

Re: Import more fields from XBMC

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 8:50 pm
by Durkslag
This is great, it works flawlessly! :D

Thank you so much, great support and quick updates/fixes from you guys!

Re: Import more fields from XBMC

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 9:35 am

is it possible to import the width from xbmc nfo too?

Code: Select all

I would like to convert the width into names.
1280 = 720p
1920 = 1080p
Everything smaller to "SD"


Re: Import more fields from XBMC

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 9:59 am
by Conor

Thank you for the details. Since this is such a specific change you might want to consider looking into the NFO/XBMC plug-in and modifying it to import this data.

The needed code would be:

Code: Select all

	NSString *fileInfo = [xmlString stringBetween:@"<fileinfo>" and:@"</fileinfo>"];
	NSString *streamdetails = [fileInfo stringBetween:@"<fileinfo>" and:@"</fileinfo>"];
	NSString *video = [streamdetails stringBetween:@"<fileinfo>" and:@"</fileinfo>"];
	NSString *width = [video stringBetween:@"<fileinfo>" and:@"</fileinfo>"];

        int widthInt = [width intValue];
        if (widthInt == 1280)
	      [newEntry setValue:@"720p" forKey:@"custom1"];
        else if (widthInt == 1920)
	      [newEntry setValue:@"1080p" forKey:@"custom1"];
	      [newEntry setValue:@"SD" forKey:@"custom1"];
After installing this plug-in you would use it directly from under the plug-in menu, as it would not replace the shipping XBMC import. It's also a plug-in that was designed to look through folders and import missing movies not yet in DVDpedia.

Re: Import more fields from XBMC

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 10:47 am
Hello Conor,

thanks for your reply.
I downloaded the file but i have no idea, how to install it?!?
Which file do i have to change?

The file looks like some kind of xcode project, but i have no xcode installed.
Could you please upload an edited version for me?


Re: Import more fields from XBMC

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 4:47 pm
by Conor
Unfortunately that won't work. This is a plug-in that was created by a user for personal use and it has a lot of hard coded options (including the movie path that is searched for NFO files), so it requires a lot of customization at the coding level, past the addition of the code above. It would require a programmer and Xcode installed to use.

Re: Import more fields from XBMC

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:36 am
Thanks again.
I'll try edit it otherwise I have to add these information manualy.