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PocketPedia 2 Wont Sync (New iPod Touch OS 4)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:56 pm
by xmarltonx

I have the latest version of dvdpedia and it has been syncing flawlessly with my ipod touch until today. It simply hangs on "requesting collections" then prompts me to make sure I have atleast version 4.5.4 (I have 4.6.1).

The only thing different is that I have the new iPhone OS 4 on my touch, since it just came out several days ago.

I tried the previously mentioned method of

-clicking pocketpedia2 under help by holding down the option key
-and then clicking old connection
-and then quitting dvdpedia and relaunching both to no avail.

I was wondering if I was the only one this was happening to and if it is something I'm doing wrong with the above method? Or is it just the new iphone os software?

Any help is appreciated! I've been collecting dvds for about 12 years now and have a huge collection on PocketPedia2 that I would HATE to lose! Please help =)


Re: PocketPedia 2 Wont Sync (New iPod Touch OS 4)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:55 pm
by xmarltonx
I even tried removing the app then putting it back on to no avail. I have no idea whats wrong :(

Re: PocketPedia 2 Wont Sync (New iPod Touch OS 4)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:39 pm
by evg2000
I can't sync either, I get a message 'Please be sure to have Pedia version 4.5.4 or higher on your mac.' I have 4.6.1, it would sync fine before the upgrade. Looks like if you want to use pocketpedia it's probable best not to upgrade your OS, as I doubt there will be a pocketpedia 3

Re: PocketPedia 2 Wont Sync (New iPod Touch OS 4)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:48 pm
by xmarltonx
Atleast its not just me. Perhaps this is something that can be worked out? *crosses fingers*

I did an HTML export using the iPhone template which I can access offline using the GoodReader app. However I still hope this can be sorted out, I love pocketpedia2!

Re: PocketPedia 2 Wont Sync (New iPod Touch OS 4)

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:53 am
by kbarnes70
xmarltonx wrote:Atleast its not just me. Perhaps this is something that can be worked out? *crosses fingers*
For the record, I am running OS 4.0 on my iPhone 3G and PP2 is working OK with it. It seems to take quite a long time on the "synching changes to Mac" dialog but it does eventually synch, so it may be that OS 4 isn't the culprit.

Kind regards,


Re: PocketPedia 2 Wont Sync (New iPod Touch OS 4)

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 11:23 am
by xmarltonx
Really Buji? How about some support on this issue? Last time I checked this was a paid application, a little acknowledgement at least would be nice.

Re: PocketPedia 2 Wont Sync (New iPod Touch OS 4)

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 11:45 am
by Nora
We're looking into it but so far haven't found a solution yet. We've been able to replicate the problem on one of our testing computers but not on the other so the problem is probably deeper than just Pocketpedia. But as soon as we find a solution we'll be sure to post it.

Re: PocketPedia 2 Wont Sync (New iPod Touch OS 4)

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 5:37 pm
by evg2000
I've tried it on all three of my computer; mac pro, mac book, and mac book pro.. didn't work on any of them. I have now reloaded PP1 and it seems to be syncing, don't know if that helps. If there is anything I can try to help track down this issue let me know.


Re: PocketPedia 2 Wont Sync (New iPod Touch OS 4)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 4:18 am
by kbarnes70
evg2000 wrote:I've tried it on all three of my computer; mac pro, mac book, and mac book pro.. didn't work on any of them. I have now reloaded PP1 and it seems to be syncing, don't know if that helps. If there is anything I can try to help track down this issue let me know.
Again, for the record, I am using an iMac with 2.4 GHz Intel Core Duo processor and 4GB of RAM and PP2 is working more or less normally here. I have the latest 10.6.4 version of OS-X with all updates etc applied. My version of DVDpedia is 4.6.1 Beta 33. My iPhone is a 3G running OS 4.0.

Kind regards,


Re: PocketPedia 2 Wont Sync (New iPod Touch OS 4)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:16 am
by Conor
Thank you for the bug reports. With iOS 4.0 the iPhone is now using IPv6 instead of IPv4. You have to make sure your computer is able to route IPv6 address. To turn on IPv6 visit your "System Preferences" --> "Network" settings and select your airport connection and click on the "Advance" button on the lower right. Under the "TCP/IP" tab make sure that the "configure IPv6" setting is set to "Automatically" instead of "Off". Press "OK" and then "Apply" to set the new network settings. Now pressing "Sync" in Pocketpedia should allow the programs to once again talk to each other.

Still investigating if there is a solution to work with IPv4 as a fallback, but it seems since the computers are capable of IPv6 Bonjour (the Apple service discovery) is now resolving the address with IPv6 without checking if it will be able to route the connection.

Re: PocketPedia 2 Wont Sync (New iPod Touch OS 4)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:28 am
by kbarnes70
Conor wrote:To turn on IPv6 visit your "System Preferences" --> "Network" settings and select your airport connection and click on the "Advance" button on the lower right. Under the "TCP/IP" tab make sure that the "configure IPv6" setting is set to "Automatically" instead of "Off". Press "OK" and then "Apply" to set the new network settings. Now pressing "Sync" in Pocketpedia should allow the programs to once again talk to each other.
Clever detective work there, Conor. Again for the record, I can confirm that my iMac was already set up to use IPv6 which is why I was probably not having any synch issues with PP2. Seems like there's a trap round every corner sometimes.

Kind regards,


Re: PocketPedia 2 Wont Sync (New iPod Touch OS 4)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:49 am
by Conor
I have added both IPv4 and IPv6 support. (The Pedias always supported both; previously they picked the last address given by Bonjour which happened to be IPv4, that has changed with iOS 4.0). Now they explicitly get the IPv4 (if available) and if that fails then try the IPv6. This change can be found in public beta 34 for all Pedias or the settings change to support IPv6 above will also work. DVDpedia Beta, Bookpedia Beta, CDpedia Beta, Gamepedia Beta

Re: PocketPedia 2 Wont Sync (New iPod Touch OS 4)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 8:44 pm
by evg2000
I downloaded gamepedia beta, checked that IPv6 was set, and tried syncing with both old connection unchecked. It says:
Synchronizing.... Requesting Collections
Please be sure to have Pedia versions 4.5.4 or higher on your Mac.

Tried syncing with both old connection unchecked. It says:
Synchronizing.... Requesting Collections
Syncing changes to Mac
eventually returns to the collection list, nothing has been updated.

I'm glad you are working on this, hopefully there is a way to get it to work. For now I can you the first version(since it will sync), but I would prefer to use the 2nd version.

thanks again,

Re: PocketPedia 2 Wont Sync (New iPod Touch OS 4)

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 4:11 am
by kbarnes70
evg2000 wrote:
I'm glad you are working on this, hopefully there is a way to get it to work. For now I can you the first version(since it will sync), but I would prefer to use the 2nd version.

thanks again,
My PP2 syncs OK but it takes for ever. It stays on the Synching changes to Mac screen for ages and then it does eventually sync. Never used to take so long.

Can someone remind me what the 'Old Connection' check box does in the hidden Pocketpedia menu that you access from Option-Help/Pocketpedia?

Kind regards,


Re: PocketPedia 2 Wont Sync (New iPod Touch OS 4)

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 4:19 am
by Conor
Hi Keith,

With the new iOS 4 the progress message does not update as often (they somehow slowed down the display refresh). So it feels like it takes longer as it does not list all the "getting details" "getting images" messages that it used to and gave one a feel of progress. The old connection box is for Pocketpedia1 that uses a different connection that is not on by default to avoid warnings about DVDpedia listening for incoming connections. With the new version it's Pocketpedia that is awaiting connections from DVDpedia.

Hi Charles,

That second connection should have done the trick, try changing the sort order and syncing again to find out if the sort order is being updated in Pocketpedia2. Also by holding down the option key while pressing sync would do a brand new sync of all the details and images, but that can take a long time depending on the size of your database, so should be a secondary measure.
