DVDpedia 5.0.3 - sub-sorting

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DVDpedia 5.0.3 - sub-sorting

Post by caseelse »


I thought I'd check with you on a sub-sorting issue which I've been working with for quite some time now:
Sometimes I buy box sets with multiple movies and they are assigned the same collection ID but with different part numbers. For example, I bought a Doris Day collection with four movies:
  • Title: Young At Heart; collection ID: 541; part no.: 1
  • Title: That Touch of Mink; collection ID: 541; part no.: 2
  • Title: Lover Come Back; collection ID: 541; part no.: 3
  • Title: Pillow Talk; collection ID: 541; part no.: 4
Now I want to have my collection sorted by the date I purchased the movies in reverse order (so that the latest additions appear at the top of the list), then by the collection ID in reverse order, then by part no. So in DVDpedia this is what I do:
  • Click once on the part no. column heading
  • Click twice on the collection ID column heading
  • Click twice on the purchase date column heading
However, this is the sorting result:
  1. Title: Lover Come Back; collection ID: 541; part no.: 3
  2. Title: Taken; collection ID: 538; part no.: 1 (this is the only movie with that ID)
  3. Title: Young At Heart; collection ID: 541; part no.: 1
  4. Title: That Touch of Mink; collection ID: 541; part no.: 2
  5. Title: Pillow Talk; collection ID: 541; part no.: 4
The weird thing is that I entered all these movies on the same day, in the order of their collection ID, and in the order that they were in the box set. But whatever I try, I cannot get everything sorted the way I want. (BTW: It's the same when all movies entered on the same date have different collection IDs; they are hardly ever sorted by collection ID.)

Do you have an idea what I might be doing wrong?

Thanks so much!
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Re: DVDpedia 5.0.3 - sub-sorting

Post by Conor »

H Caseelse,

Thank you for the exact information it makes things a lot simpler and easy to answer. What I think is happening is the sub-sorting never happens as purchase date is specific to the second, even if not displayed. Sorting by purchase date will then show you the movies in exactly the order purchase date was entered.

What needs to be done is to make the purchase date the same across all the movies in the same day. Since they are already in purchase date order select all the movies for a single day (this can be done by selecting the first movie and then the last movie while holding down shift) and use the edit command. The multiple edit window will come up, find the purchase date field and add the date the movies were bought. Now when you hit okay all the movies will get exactly the same date and the sub-sorting will then come into play.

You do mention that you added these movies in the exact collection ID order and hence the purchase date should also have been in order, and that is indeed strange. So do let me know if the above solution fixes the issue. If that is not the case we can dig deeper with your exact data.
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Re: DVDpedia 5.0.3 - sub-sorting

Post by caseelse »

Hi Conor,

Thanks for your quick response! This is totally great. I followed your suggestion and now the movies are sorted correctly. Weird, though, because I'm really sure that I entered the movies in the order of their collection ID. That is why I never even considered re-setting the purchase date. Ah, well, you can never be sure about anything, I guess :?

HUGE thankyou - as always :D - for your great help!!

Take care,
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Re: DVDpedia 5.0.3 - sub-sorting

Post by Conor »

Glad to have helped. Early on in a older version we used to round the user dates to midnight of that date, but then there are a few users who did want to list movies in the order that they entered the date. Obviously the time stamp is essential with date added and date modified so it was also easier to treat all dates the same.

If you want to enter the date as you add a movie suffix a time identifier. For example "today midnight" or "7/3/2012 midday". This way the time will be the same instead of the computer assuming the current time.
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