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Emails to borrowers with same name

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:09 am
by kprice5
A few months back I received this feedback from you regarding DVD/Bookpedia:
The address book record identifiers are not the same on the iPhone/iPad as they are on the Mac, even though the contacts might be synced from the same database. The beta version of 5.1.2 that will be released soon has been updated to find out the necessary email address for emailing a borrower by using the full name of the borrower and looking him up on the address book. Not ideal as this might cause an issue if you have more than one person with the same full name, but hopefully this is not the case. It also limited to people and will not send email to corporations as the search is limited to that available in borrowed by.
It seems that the email/name issue is more complicated than this, as I have had multiple mistaken emails sent to borrowers with either the same first name (different last name) or the same last name (different first name).

The name displays correctly in the databased (borrowed by), but the outgoing emails show that it is going to someone else. Can this be corrected easily?


Re: Emails to borrowers with same name

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:26 am
by Conor
Thank you for the follow up on the original bug. I have updated the beta version of 5.1.3 to be really strict on matching. Currently it was falling through to matching via last name or first name (as you mentioned) if it failed to match the full name of the person. What is surprising is that the full name would result in no matches. 5.1.3 will now only match to full names when syncing back from Pocketpedia but it means in the cases were you were getting a different Contacts entry based on a single name it will now not send out email due to not finding an email based on the full name.

Although this will stop it from sending out erroneous emails, it will not send all the emails it should be sending. I would like to investigate further to find out why the full name match is not returning results. Do please let me know the exact details for two samples were this happened. How does the name appears in DVDpedia? How does it appears in your Contacts? How is your Contacts sorted, last name first? Does the person have a middle name or any other difference? Does the name in DVDpedia maybe appear with a space that is not easily seen? If you don;t mind do send me a .vcard of the Contact, the more accurate information I have the better. If I can figure out why the match is not happening then I can correct it. I have no contacts were this is the case, my entire Contacts list matches correctly.