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Bookpedia - Amazon Prices Not Updated Correctly

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 1:28 pm
by gottadoit

I have some old books that I want to sell on Amazon and inside of Bookpedia, the "Update From"->"Amazon US" has a very specific bug.

Take for example,the book Silvereye. The Lowest Used Price is $200.00 USD, the Lowest New Price is $372.34 USD. When I do the update, it shows the Lowest New Price as $31.50 USD. I have some old books still in their original Amazon shipping packaging so I actually do care.

I am unsure if this is a problem with the Amazon API or with Bookpedia itself (I assume it may effect other pedias as well but I do not know).

Best Regards.

Re: Bookpedia - Amazon Prices Not Updated Correctly

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 7:32 pm
by Conor
Thank you for the bug report. I was unable to reproduce it in the Bookpedia beta. I get "$372.34" for the lowest new price on a update from on the ISBN "382385593X" (which is what Bookpedia uses to make the match). Could you please drag Silvereye from Bookpedia out to the desktop to create a .bcard that you can then email to us. This way I can try the update from with your exact data to make sure I am not overlooking a small detail. Thank you.

Re: Bookpedia - Amazon Prices Not Updated Correctly

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 9:34 pm
by gottadoit
Thank you Conor. I sent two bcards with the problem (I have many others) and downloaded the Bookpedia Beta and I am still having the issue. Hopefully you can recreate it or tell me what to do with my data to fix the problem.

Best Regards,