Bookpedia on laptop accessing remote database

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Bookpedia on laptop accessing remote database

Post by ebh »

I run the pedias on my tower in the office, but have many (and I mean many) books in an upstairs library. I want to avoid having to cart all those books down to the office to scan and/or search on title. Should I just install Bpedia on my laptop, copy the data folder, do the work upstairs, and when done recopy the data folder on the tower? Is there any danger other than the usual "careful you don't hose your data directory?" Are there any licensing issues in doing this? Is there any easy way to access the tower's data directory?
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Post by Nora »

You can use your serial number on up to three computers so go ahead and put Bookpedia on your laptop.
If you want to avoid copying the datafolder, you could also move it to a common location like a shared folder so that both computers could have access to it. That way you don't have to worry about updating the folder etc. For more details on how to do this, have a look at this how-to.

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Post by Conor »

Another option is to start a clean copy on your laptop and once you have added the books do a .bookpedia export of the collection. You can then pass this file to the tower and simply double click it to import all the books. The import is added as a new collection that is separate from the library (grey book icon), if you like to include it in the library do so from under the file menu when the collection is selected. You can then remove the collection.
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