
Tell us about your wildest feature dreams. Or just harmless suggestions for improvement.
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Post by kevindosi »

I've got a smart collection of Foreign Films (Country does not contain USA). With the addition of "Places" in iPhoto 09, I think it would be awesome to have a similar feature in DVDPedia. DVDPedia could show a map of the world and you could browse your movies by country. That's the basic idea.
Here are a few ideas expanding on that. They're not the way it has to be done. The main idea is to have a map view so you can browse by country, but these are just other ideas:
It could be in the collections Pane, or it could be an additional view (ie. Info, Covers, Coverflow, Map). This wouldn't be for everybody, but I'm sure plenty of people besides me would love it.
There could simply be a pin on the countries from which you have movies, or it could show a number on the country representing the number of movies you have from there.
To browse the movies, perhaps you could click on the country and all movies from that country would show. Maybe you could mouse over them to flip through the movies, like you can in iPhoto events.

What do you think?
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Re: Map

Post by Conor »

Thank you for the idea, it is a very interesting one and I understand exactly what you mean. I am really looking forward to Places. We had a some ideas for projects that involved maps and Places is very similar to the way we would have liked to have done it. The trick with maps is that for them to be flexible you need to draw them yourself and this is not easy to do. Surprisingly there is little information out there on the shape and location of countries and when there is in needs to be heavily refined. If we do create a map view for another project then we can port it for use in the pedias, otherwise it will remain on the to do list for a while due to the amount of work. Remember you can view this information in the statistics or using smart collection, it is not as interesting and neat as a map but will do in the meantime.
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