First of all I want to thank you for a great program.
I have just started to play around with the "Info View" and my idea was to add images of the actors and of the director.
I thought that I could start a thread about it here, if some other people want to do the same thing.
I made a copy of the standard "Collection.html" file and made the following changes:
Code: Select all
<!--IFdirector<div class="field"><div class="title">[translate:director]:</div><div class="text">[key:director]</div></div>ENDdirector-->
Code: Select all
<!--IFdirector<div class="field"><div class="title">[translate:director]:</div><div class="text">[key:director]</div><img src="Images/person/[key:director].jpg"></div>ENDdirector-->
Code: Select all
<div class="links">
[creditsBegin]<li>[credit:name] : [credit:role]</li>
Code: Select all
<div class="links">
[creditsBegin]<li>[credit:name] : [credit:role]<br>
<img src="Images/person/[credit:name].jpg"></li>
I have then searched for the actors and directors on or and dragged a picture of the person to this folder. I have taken pictures that is about 100x140 or something like that in size (the image in the top left corner on the actors page on IMDB is about that size).
Then I rename the image to the name of the actor, like "Kevin Spacey.jpg" or "Brad Pitt.jpg" for an example.
The Info View now looks like this:
It took I while to arrange all the pictures, but I think it was worth it.
And if you list the complete cast of the movie i guess it will be way to much work to arrange it. I only list the main actors.
// Jonas